Test Analysis FAQ

Common Questions

Try to avoid selecting the rows numbers on the left. Instead select the first cell you want to delete, drag over all the others you want to clear, then press delete. 

Try to avoid copying and pasting names from other sources. You can do it, but paste as ‘plain text’ (the paste icon with the numbers 123 on it). Copying formatting from other sources may make the cells read only so you won’t be able to delete then later. 

This sometimes is disabled when another cell is selected. To resolve this click on the cell that contains the names, then a new drop down arrow should appear giving you access to the names. See the video for a demonstration of this. 

Enter a 1 in the first cell you want to input. Select the cell and drag across the sheet, then down the sheet. This will fill all the cells with ‘1’s. Now you just need to enter ‘0’s for the incorrect answers. The video demonstrated this. Alternatively you can visit PrimaryAnalysis.co.uk as we offer a service that does all the work for you. 

Protection is built in to stop accidental change of the formulas in the sheets. It is also there to protect the ownership. Therefore we do not share the passwords. If you think there is a part you should be able to access but cannot, then please drop us an email. 

If you have any other questions, please get in touch.